Hello, Again. Hello.

Yeah, so. I know it’s been awhile. Or, as the kids like to say, “It’s been a minute.” 

It’s almost been an entire two years since I’ve sat down here and wrote a little something. I could say any number of things here. But I won’t save one. The simple fact that I spend my days writing (and reading … and reading … and reading even more) has made it difficult for me to get enthused about writing anything other than a grocery list. And I confess, I rarely write grocery lists anymore … I just go with the flow, which is fine if I’m not hungry. And I’m always hungry. 

I digress. 

But, as the saying goes, I’m not getting any younger. If you happen upon me in a grocery store on Senior Discount Day, you will sense I am in a mood. Not because I am among my peers, but mostly because I’m hungry, and reminded of the fact that I’m older. And indecisive. And always searching for something that has moved or is no longer in stock. So I pass the label-readers, and the ponderers, and the budget-conscious. And I’m looking for something. And I always settle for something else. 

So, where was I? Oh yes. 

I used to work with a guy that had an affinity for “sayings.” We had to share a space and a whiteboard in a large, temporary classroom. I used to use the corner of the whiteboard for reality acclimation. I’d write the weather report, and the date and the day of the week. I’d also include anything that might be of interest to students. You know, things like “Field Trip next week,” or “This Sunday is Easter.” I’m not sure if that was helpful or condescending, come to think of it. 

But this other guy — you remember him, the one who loved “sayings” — he would write these clever bon mots in his corner of the whiteboard. He had one he liked to use more often than others: 

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”

And recently I’ve been surrounded by change. I have newish job responsibilities. I have a newly retired wife. I have a dog in recovery from canine pneumonia. I have a neighbor I have grown most fond of who just moved. It’s been … a lot. 

And dammit all, I’m finding it very hard to find the growth here. I know it’s there. I know I’m learning new things everyday about a whole host of topics. And I’m learning about myself. 

But learning is not growth. 

So, in the midst of all this, I have dusted off the blog. (It took me a long time to update all the whirlygigs and widgets and policies and code bases. It’s also (ahem) not cheap to pay for this package and not use it.) 

But I’m here again if you’ll have me. 

Maybe some growth will come of it.

Who knows? 

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